The Karnataka Press Club Council successfully launched the inaugural "Vishwa Kannada Habba - 1" in Dubai on November 19, 2022, under the esteemed chairmanship of the Maharaja of Mysore. This event showcased Kannada art, literature, and culture globally, honouring achievers with the prestigious "Vishwamanya Prashashthi."
Building on its success, the council announces "Vishwa Kannada Habba - 2" scheduled in Singapore On 28th September 2024.
This event aims to unite Kannadigas worldwide, celebrating their heritage and fostering community among natives and non-residents alike. The festivities will include poetry recitals, literary discussions, seminars, and cultural performances, attracting renowned personalities and enthusiasts from across the globe. It promises to be a memorable gathering, uniting Kannada enthusiasts and showcasing the vibrant spirit of the community.